Is pizza really Italian ?

Who doesn't love pizza? But Is pizza really Italian?


Yes, yes, we know you all think “Italy” when we say pizza but hear us out. The ancient Greeks had a wonderful creation called “Plakous” kneaded flatbreads with simple ingredients, baked in traditional clay ovens they would drizzle the warm dough with rich, fruity extra virgin olive oil, which the aroma alone was enough to make your mouth water! They also added a mix of fresh herbs like oregano and thyme, filling the air with delicious savory scents, and they also topped these “Plakous” flatbreads with onions, cheese, and garlic, creating a scrumptious medley of flavors and textures that was more than just a meal; it was a celebration of their ingredients and culinary traditions, SOUND FAMILIAR?

Exactly! something we call Pizza today, but we are Greek after all and we are used to the Romans aka Italians today copying us since antiquity, but that’s another argument for another day.

Now back to Greece we don’t want to hurt our favourite neighbors’ feelings, so this fantastic dish has in modern times been re-baptized “Ladenia”, which comes from the beautiful island of Kimolos. This makes for a perfect vegan pizza version that doesn’t include cheese! Why not give it a try the next time you’re up for some cooking? You can find the recipe here.

By the way it's International Pizza Day.